NALC Youth Gathering 2024

Volunteer Orientation and Prayer Walk
Wednesday, June 26 6pm-8pm


Join us for a meal, overview of the Youth event, job assignments, and a time of walking in prayer over our campus. This event will require many volunteers. Areas of service include: meal prep/cleanup, leading youth, cleaning the church, security, and welcoming/directing. If you are willing to serve, Join us on June 26 or contact Mark: [email protected] or Matt: [email protected]

NALC Continental Youth Gathering 2024 Schedule of Services

July 1-4, 2024 at St. John


July 1

Opening Worship: 9:30am

Large Group Session: 1:30pm
The Rev. Dr. Dan Selbo – Bishop of The North American Lutheran Church, Dallas, TX.

Bishop Dan will speak at our First Session reminding us We Belong to Christ, We Belong to Church, We Belong to Community, We Belong to each other. The focus scripture verse will be John 10:14-15.


July 2

Large Group Session: 1:30pm

The Rev. Paulette McHugh – Joy Mission Church, Lexington, SC.

Pastor Paulette will speak at our second session reminding us that we belong to Christ. The focus scripture verse is 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.

We will also hear from The Rev. Michael D. Wikstrom – Retired Army Chaplain, Marriage and Family Therapist and an expert in Suicide Prevention.

Pastor Michael will speak part one of “Faith, Life and Identity- Who am I?” The desire to “belong” is built into us. It is what drives us. The drive can be internal and external. We often feel peer pressure to belong to certain groups and to identify as one thing or another. Jesus died so that we would be sons and daughters, and that’s the only identity we should have. When we fail to recognize who we are and our relationship with Jesus and take on an identity that is not rooted in Him, we will label ourselves and claim a false identity that will not last and will fall apart. Hear Pastor Michael Wikstrom speak of where we place our identity and self-worth and how they intersect with faith and our daily life.


Large Group Session: 6:30pm

The Rev. Bert and Kristie Eldredge – Prince of Peace, Caspar, WY.

Pastor Bert and Kristie will also share how we belong to Christ at our third session. The focus scripture verse is Ephesians 4:1-7.


July 3

Large Group Session: 1:30pm

The Rev. Mathew Magera – Zion Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, PA.

Pastor Mathew will speak at our fourth session reminding us we belong to the Church. The focus scripture verse will be 1 Peter 2:4-12.

We will also hear from Michelle Bauman – Director of Y4Life, Lutherans for Life.

Michelle will share part one of “Made to Be a Messenger”. Life is meaningful! God’s creative and redemptive work in our lives gives our lives value, meaning, and purpose, and we have the privilege of sharing that truth with others. As created, redeemed, and called children of God, Christians are specially equipped to uphold the lives of others. Listen to Michelle Bauman, to discover some practical steps YOU can take to begin life-affirming work and become a Gospel-motivated voice for life!

Large Group Session: 6:30pm
The Rev. Darcy Albers – St. Albert Ev. Lutheran Church, St. Albert, AB.

Pastor Darcy will also discuss how we belong to the Church at our fifth session. The focus scripture verse is John 14:15-20. Michelle Bauman will share part two of her talk, “Made to Be a Messenger”.


July 4

Large Group Session: 9:30am

The Rev. Jay Lutz – Trinity Lutheran, Ponoka, AB.

Pastor Jay will speak at our sixth session reminding us we belong to community. The focus scripture verse will be 1 John 2:1-6. Pastor Michael Wikstrom will share part two of his talk, “Faith, Life and Identity- Who am I?”

Large Group Session: 1:30pm

The Rev. Jeff Morlock – Director of Vocational Discernment for the NALS.

Pastor Jeff will speak at our seventh session reminding us we belong to each other. The focus scripture verse will be 1 John 4:7-16.