All Saints' Sunday

All Saints’ Sunday is November 3, 2024

This year, All Saints’ Sunday falls on Sunday, November 3. It’s a time to remember loved ones who have passed away in the past year. As we have done in the past, we would like to honor your loved one by announcing their name before the congregation and offering a white flower in their memory.

During the Worship Services, the names of those being remembered are read and a family member comes forward to receive a white rose from a member of the Altar Guild. It is then placed in a special memorial vase in the chancel. If family members cannot be present for the service, members of the Altar Guild will place the rose in the vase for you.


If you have a loved one who has passed away in the last year and you would like to remember them in this way, please click the button below to fill out the form.

You may also:

  • fill out a form found in the bulletin during church and drop it in the offering plate,

  • stop by the church office to fill out a form

  • or email your request to: [email protected].