disaster relief trips

House Blessing and Luncheon to celebrate God’s work through St. John: Saturday, August 24 in Aransas Pass, TX

On August 25th of 2017, Hurricane Harvey made landfall along the coast of Rockport and the surrounding communities. God came alive in the hearts of St. John in Boerne.


Provisions of labor and monetary help were committed. A week later, St. John, with the guidance of our Lord and Savior, headed to Rockport and the surrounding communities to provide help.  We worked graciously for four days. We provided clean-up, food, gift cards, Bibles and most of all, prayer. Two weeks later we followed God’s lead and headed back down for another four days. During this trip, God started tugging a little harder on St. John’s hearts. We assessed the needs on this trip and realized that we needed to do more than just clean up. The vision to ‘do more’ has been accomplished by our 2-year presence in the area and in St. John’s commitment in providing for those in need


St. John has conveyed God’s presence to hundreds of people in the Rockport Area. In the early months of the hurricane’s aftermath, we continued our work with cleanup, demos, tarping of roofs, roofing, electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, gift cards, furniture, garage rebuilding, painting and more. There were times during this work when we could feel in our hearts that what these disaster survivors really needed was a lending ear, a hug and sometimes a tear


God again tugged on our hearts. With that tug, a total rebuild project was conceived. This was by far the most extensive project God led us into and through. He has not only shown his resilience through this project, but also his vision, persistence and humbleness. On June 22nd of this year, nearly 2 years after we first began helping in Rockport, St. John has finished this complete rebuilding project.  It was almost an 18-month commitment


On August 24, 2019, St John Lutheran of Boerne and St Stephens of Portland would like to invite all God’s Children to celebrate His providence of fellowship, monetary donations, shelter, food, and talents by joining in His presence to bless the house of one of his children in Aransas Pass, TX


Please join us for a blessing at the newly constructed home and a fellowship lunch afterward. The house blessing will be at 11:00 am. Lunch will follow the blessing at St Stephens in Portland.


We will have a cornhole tournament for those that want to play and/or also a trip to the beach. St. Stephens will have a special music service on Sunday at 10:30am for those that would like to attend. The church will also be available for all that need a place to sleep on Saturday night, if needed.


If you plan to attend the blessing and luncheon, please RSVP by August 12th to Lance Folkerts: lance@ltfconstruction.com. May God continue to Guide the hearts of St. John!

St. John was recently featured in the NALC’s July Newsletter for their Hurricane Relief Efforts.

Click the link below to read the article on pages 14-15.

NALC July Newsletter


If you are interested in coming and helping, please contact Lance Folkerts at lance@ltfconstruction.com


View pictures from our relief trips.  Click the button below to go to our gallery page.

If you are interested in making a monetary donation, please make the check out to St. John Lutheran Church and write disaster relief in the memo line. You can also donate online by going to our ‘Give’ page and choosing the ‘Disaster Relief’ fund. Click here to go directly to the donation page.