Garrison Brothers Distillery Tour 2018

Garrison Brothers Distillery Tour

Saturday, September 22nd, 2018


The St John Lutheran Church Congregational Life Committee is inviting you on a road trip to beautiful Hye, Texas. Come join us for a relaxing afternoon to tour the Garrison Brothers Distillery and then dine on fine cuisine in historic Fredericksburg. The date for the tour is
Saturday September 22, 2018. We will leave the church grounds at 10:30am on the church bus. Snacks and drinks will be provided for the drive to the distillery.

The tour will be from 12:00 to 2:00. We will then drive to Fredericksburg to eat at one of the famous eateries.

Garrison Brothers Distillery is Texas’ first and oldest bourbon distillery. From Garrison Bothers Website: We value God, family, friends and our country, foremost, but we always welcome strangers.


Total cost for distillery tour per person: $21.00. Meal in Fredericksburg: Dutch Treat.
Remit payment to Richard Wagner. Maximum of 20 attendees for the tour.

Contact Richard Wagner to reserve a seat: or 281-467-0072