Youth Mission Trip

North Carolina Mission Trip
June 7-14, 2025


Mission Trip Info Meeting: January 12, 9:30am




6th-12th grade students and adult chaperones.
Middle School students will need a parent/guardian to attend with them



June 7-14, 2025



North Carolina, near Asheville (NALC is working to determine an exact location)



  • $100 deposit will be due by February 9
  • Fundraising will likely cover the remainder of the cost.
  • Our major fundraiser will be a pancake breakfast on February 9th. Please be present to help with this event if you would like to share in the proceeds of the donations.
  • Cash will be needed for food while traveling


Possible work:

Dependent on volunteer skills but could include:

  • sheet rocking
  • laying floors
  • cutting ceiling
  • passing out Bibles and quilts
  • praying over members of the community



We will travel June 7 and 8 by vehicles, work in North Carolina from June 9 to 12, and return home on June 13 and 14.



We will stay in hotels along the road and a local church when we arrive in North Carolina. We will likely be sleeping on the floor, so air mattresses will be needed. We will have a shower trailer to clean ourselves after the workdays.



Contact Mark Lynn, Youth Director, with questions: