Join a Group

Connection Groups


Getting connected with a group is a great way to be involved in the life of the church. St. John has a variety of groups currently meeting that you are invited to get involved with! Contact and meeting information for current groups is below.



Education and Bible Study Groups


Sunday School – Led by Peggy Hoppes (

Sundays, 9:30am-10:30 am, Rm 128

The “God Talk” class meets each Sunday to study the Scriptures


Sunday School – Led by Richard Wagner and Pastor Kurt Wandrey

Sundays, 9:30am-10:30 am, Rm 118

The Sunday ‘LOGOS’ class meets in Room118


Sunday School – Led by Carol Postert

Sundays, 9:30am-10:30 am, Rm 216

The Sunday ‘SEEKERS’ class meets in Room 216 and is led by Carol Postert.


Precept Bible Study – Led by Pastor Kurt Wandrey

Thursdays, 9:15am – 11am, Rm 118

Precept Bible Study is a Bible study for men and women.  We meet on Thursday mornings to study God’s Word and to pray for one another.  Our study is based on materials from Precept International (DVD, workbooks, and leader’s guide).


Women of the Word (W.O.W.) – Led by Michelle Waters (

Wednesdays, 9am, Rm 128

Women of the Word gathers around the Word of God and discusses how it applies to our lives. We pray together, study Scripture as a group, and encourage one another to walk more closely with the Lord. We welcome anyone interested in joining us. Feel free to drop in any time and check it out!


Shepherd’s Cave Classes – Contact: Matt Olson

Wednesdays, 6:30pm and Sundays at 9:30am, Rm 117

These classes are focused on equipping parents and grandparents with tools and support to pass on the faith.


“Every Man a Warrior” Small Groups – Contact: Matt Olson

Monday and Tuesday Evenings.

Contact Matt if you are interested in being in a group.


All Age Fellowship and Bible Studies – Contact person is Matt Olson ( or church office (830-249-3651)

Wednesdays, 7pm – 8pm and Sundays 9:30-10:30am, St. John Lutheran (various rooms)

St. John has various family and fellowship programming for all ages taking place each Wednesday evening and Sunday morning. There are ways for members of every age to get connected! Please check out our Adult Ministries, Children’s Ministries, and Youth Ministries site sections for more information.



Fellowship and Support Groups


Current FNF Groups:

Below is a list of our current Friends ‘N Faith Groups, when they meet, and who to contact if you’re interested in attending:


Connections Group

Coordinated by Marissa Klein 210-393-4653, Andrea Riley 281-467-3494, and Kelsie Schneid 830-388-2829

Last Saturday of the month for various group events and
Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the Family Life Center

The purpose of this group is to connect St. John members and visitors who are “under the hill” – young adults/families. We want to provide a fellowship opportunity within and outside of the church.  The group will meet the last Saturday of every month – our first event will be March 26, 2022 and information can be found under the “Events” tab.  The events may or may not include kids as we want opportunities for the adults to get to know each other and other opportunities where the kids can come and connect too. We can provide the names of teenagers who work in the nursery if you need a babysitter at your home.  We will also start meeting at church on Sunday mornings (starting March 27, 2022) in the Family Life Center at 9:30am for weekly fellowship. We hope to evolve into a weekly devotional/Bible study as we see where the group wants to go and grow in their faith.  Please contact one of the coordinators listed above for more information.


Friends of Faith Dinner Club

Coordinated by Diann Wandrey (

3rd Thursday of the month, 5:30pm, various restaurants

Once a month this social group gathers in fellowship at a nearby restaurant to sit, eat, and visit. The restaurant changes month to month and all are welcome. The hosts’ responsibility is to choose a restaurant and contact them to set up a space for 20-30 attendees.  We’ve met in Fredericksburg, Kerrville, San Antonio, Boerne.  We often have people ask to be added to the email list, and welcome, happily, any newcomers. Please reach out to Diann Wandrey at if you’d like to be put on the email list!


Lunch Bunch Group

Coordinated by Anna Steubing (

Last Friday of the month, 11:30am, various restaurants

Once a month this group gathers for lunch at a nearby restaurant to enjoy fellowship. All are welcome.



Contact: Jim Grier: 830-431-1880 or Art Humphries: 505-504-8500

Meeting times will vary

CLAYS for CHRIST is a group at St. John Lutheran Church for shotgun shooters, men and women 18 and over. “Clays for Christ” (C4C) is led by StJLC member Jim Grier. Whether beginner or experienced, whether a member of St. John or not, C4C is all about fellowship outdoors, using the opportunity to reinforce our Christianity and to act on our discipleship in Christ. To learn more, CLICK HERE to download a flyer or contact Jim Grier @ 830-431-1880, or Art Humphries @ 505-504-8500.


Lit ‘n Lunch

Contact person is Terry Herrmann  (210-842-4606 or

3rd Monday of the month, 12pm – 1pm, Rm 117

Lit ‘n Lunch is a book club here at St. John.  We read a wide variety of types of books – memoirs, historical novels, nonfiction, mysteries, biographies, novels, and any other type of book that our members would like to read.  We meet on the third Monday of each month at noon here at St. John. So, if you work close by, you can spend your lunch hour with us.  We only meet for 1 hour.  Members choose the books together, usually about 3-4 months at a time.  We are a small group and would love to grow our group to include you!


Canasta and Dominoes and Potluck

Contact person is Jean Sheffy (210-845-2849)

1st Sunday of the month, 5pm

We share a potluck meal together at 5pm followed by the games which usually conclude by 8:30pm. If you would like to join our group, we would be very happy to have you. If you have never played these games, don’t worry.  They are easy to learn and we will teach you. Come and join us as we have so much fun. Individuals and couples are welcome. Please bring a dish to share. Contact Jean Sheffy via text (210-845-2849) for more information.


Dominoes and Potluck

Contact person is Jean Sheffy (210-845-2849)

3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month, 5pm

We share a potluck meal together at 5pm followed by the games which usually conclude by 8:30pm. If you would like to join our group, we would be very happy to have you. If you have never played dominoes, don’t worry.  It is an easy game to learn and we will teach you. Come and join us as we have so much fun. Individuals and couples are welcome. Please bring a dish to share. Contact Jean Sheffy via text (210-845-2849) for more information.


Quilting Group

Contact person is Doris Beath (210-698-2737)

1st and 2nd Monday of the month, 9am -12pm, Luther Hall

The Faithful Quilting Group has 7 to 10 quilters but would gladly welcome more. They make between 80 to 100 quilts a year and have given them to Sisters of Sanctuary, Battered Women, Hill County Daily Bread, and for Disaster Relief.


Grief Share Support Group

Contact Pat Albrecht (210-379-5441), Barbara Rogers (210-373-9070), church office (830-249-3651)

For meeting times and more information refer to the information on the church website

Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives.  We understand how you feel because we’ve been in the same place.  We will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future. The 15-week program consists of encouraging, information-packed videos featuring leading grief recovery experts, small group discussion about the weekly video content, and a workbook for journaling and personal study exercises that reinforce the weekly session topics.  The program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from grief.


Happy Hearts

Coordinated by Diann Wandrey (

2nd Monday of the month, 6pm, Family Life Center

Happy Hearts is a fun group for retirees or anyone nearing retirement age. We meet at 6pm in the Family Life Center for a potluck (bring food to share) and for fellowship.  Activities include presentations on various subjects by guest speakers, music and singing, game nights and outings.


Men’s Breakfast

Contact the church office for more information. 830-249-3651

This group meets every other Tuesday at 6:30am in the Small Dining Room.


Men’s Lunch

Contact person is Bart Graves

3rd Tuesday of each month, 11:30am at Mamacita’s


Fabulous Folders

Contact Claudia Culvert at the church office at 830-249-3651.

Every Friday morning in Room 212 at 9am to fold bulletins.



Service Groups


Growing Hope Distribution – Contact person is Audrey Bearden (

1st and 2nd Wednesdays of the month, 4:30 pm, Narthex and Parking Lot

The Growing Hope ministry provides an opportunity for you to ‘Make Jesus Known’ and share the gospel, through one-on-one mentoring, with families in our community. There is more information on the church website



1 Thessalonians 5:11: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”