Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child 2024

Fulfilling the Great Commission to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth!

Matthew 28:19 ESV “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

What is Operation Christmas Child (OCC)?

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a project of Samaritan’s Purse that delivers shoeboxes filled with toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to children around the world as a tangible expression of God’s love through the hands of local partners to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, God’s Greatest Gift. Samaritan’s Purse is bringing shoebox gifts and the message of the Gospel to more than 100 unreached people groups each year. Hundreds of new churches are being planted each year as a result of OCC outreach events and discipleship.

Upcoming Events for OCC:

  • Starting in mid-October, a table will be set up in the Gathering Place to share more information about OCC, provide volunteer opportunities, and to distribute empty shoeboxes to be filled by individuals and families.  Every filled shoebox is a Gospel opportunity for a child and his family somewhere in the world.
  • Shoebox Packing Party on October 16. All are welcome to join as we enjoy a night of service together to help with OCC!
  • StJLC is the shoebox collection site for the Hill Country Area. Many volunteers are needed to help during the November Collection Week. Please consider volunteering!
If you want to participate but don’t want to shop for items to fill a shoebox, you can scan a barcode that will be available at the OCC table and here beginning in October, and build a shoebox online for a very reasonable price!


Key Dates:

  • November 18-25: OCC Collection Week – Shoebox Drop-Off at StJLC.
  • November 25: Load cartons of shoeboxes onto a trailer.



Volunteer and Donation Opportunities:

  • Pray for the children that will receive shoeboxes!
  • Pack a shoebox and drop off at StJLC during Collection Week.
  • Pack a shoebox online (See OCC table in the Gathering Place or check back here in October)
  • Cash donations are welcome. Make check out to ‘Samaritan’s Purse’.
  • November 18-25: Assist with manning the church during the Shoebox Drop-Off times.
  • November 25: Help load the cartons into a trailer.


StJLC shoebox goal this year is 500 shoeboxes! Let’s do this!


For more information or to volunteer: Contact Gloria Baker by phone: 830-431-0522 or email: [email protected].


Don’t like shopping? Shop online from your computer or smartphone!  This is an easy and inexpensive way to fill a shoebox for a child in need and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Simply click the link below to shop and pay for your items and a shoebox will be created for you!

All orders placed through the button link below will be counted toward the StJLC shoebox packing goal.

Please contact Gloria Baker at 830-431-0522 or by email at [email protected] for information, questions, or to volunteer!

Want more information? Check out the Samaritan’s Purse website:

About Operation Christmas Child