Worship Service Schedule Change FAQ’s
What will the 8:00am service be like under the new worship schedule?
- It will be the same Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary at the same 8:00am time.
- Communion will be served each week.
- The music will be traditional hymns along with guest singers and guest musicians, etc.
- Pastor Waters or Pastor Mariola Bergquist will be leading the worship along with the Assisting Ministers, Lector Readers and other volunteers.
What will the 9:30am service be like under the new worship schedule?
- The 9:30am service will be our Praise Service and will now be located in the Sanctuary instead of the Family Life Center. The Sanctuary setting provides for more seating capacity, opens the Family Life Center, and conveys the importance of the Praise Service to St. John’s future.
- The songs will be praise and worship songs sung by the St. John Praise Band, led by Audry Ortegon and Robert Galvan.
- Pastor Waters or Pastor Mariola Bergquist will be leading the worship and preaching the sermon and will be able to be present for the entire service.
What will the 10:45am service be like under the new worship schedule?
- It will be the same as the current 10:30am Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary, but will begin 15 minutes later.
- Communion will be served each week.
- The music will be traditional hymns along with the Sanctuary choir, guest singers and guest musicians, etc.
- Pastor Waters or Pastor Mariola Bergquist will be leading the worship along with the Assisting Ministers, Lector Readers and other volunteers.
Why is the Worship Schedule being changed?
- Rearranging the worship schedule allows our Pastoral leaders to be truly present at all services, without ‘splitting time’ between them.
- By moving the time and location of the Praise Worship Service to 9:30am in the Sanctuary, the Family Life Center can be better utilized as a multi-generational gathering place, as it was meant to be.
- Multi-generational Ministry is a cornerstone for the future vision of our church.
What do we gain by moving to this worship schedule?
- Both Pastors can be present for the entire service, from beginning to end, casting the vision of St. John and filling the congregation with God’s Word.
- There will be energy and solid messages in all services, under a consistent leader.
- Maximizes the use of the Family Life Center by opening it up to opportunities for intergenerational gatherings and teachings.
- This model offers the same 3 worship services to choose from, only now, all are offered in the Sanctuary.
How will Sunday School be affected by the changes?
- Pre-K through 5th Graders will now meet in the Family Life Center from 9:15am to 10:30am on Sunday mornings.
- Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers will have their own Bible Studies centered around ‘The Story’ in the Education Wing.
- The Adult Sunday School Classes will still be meeting, as usual, in the Education Wing. Adults will also be invited to be a part of the Ministries in the Family Life Center during the Sunday School hour.
How will the Family Life Center be used moving forward?
- The Family Life Center will continue to be used for special events, breakfasts, etc., but it will now also be used to house the Children and Youth Sunday School activities.
- The Family Life Center will be used for family, as originally intended. By having the space and opportunities for all to be learning, singing, crafting as one, we feel that our vision of intergenerational connections creating support, community and guidance for all will be realized.
What about sermon and/or service recording under the new schedule?
- The Traditional Worship Service and sermon will continue to be recorded and posted online each week.
- With the move of the Praise Service into the Sanctuary, we may now be able to record these services, as well, in the future.
When will the schedule change take place?
- The start date for the new worship schedule will be August 19th, 2018. We want to make the changes in time to settle in for the new school year and our Sunday School curriculum.
- We are aware that it may take a little time to get used to the changes, but truly believe this to be in the best interest of St. John and our vision to Know Jesus and Make Jesus Known.
What will be the end result?
A major first step toward our vision: “The whole church meets in the same building on the same block, following a plan to optimize and improve our facilities. The Family Life Center is used for ministry every Sunday.” (excerpt from St. John’s 2018 Vision Statement)
What about Wednesday activities?
Wednesday night will still be a night of gathering, intentional fellowship, worship, Bible and Catechism learning across all ages. Everyone will meet in the Family Life Center from 6:00pm to 7:30pm each Wednesday.